That’s My King!

The late S.M. Lockridge once presented an incredible message, describing our God and who He is. Though God can't be described with just words, this...

Câtă nevoie avem de Dumnezeu?!

Acesta este un fragment din prima parte a unei emisuni de radio, în direct. Tema acesteia a fost Câtă nevoie avem de Dumnezeu?! Această primă parte...

David Crowder*Band – Oh Happiness

1 (Chorus) Oh, happiness There's grace enough for us And the whole human race (Verse 1) Friend or foe Stranger or kin All who come Begin again Hard or frail Rich or poor All in need Need...

Sunday’s Comin’

0 It’s Friday Jesus is praying Peter’s a sleeping Judas is betraying But Sunday’s comin’ It’s Friday Pilate’s struggling The council is conspiring The crowd is vilifying They don’t even know That Sunday’s comin’ It’s Friday The...

Come Awake!