Câtă nevoie avem de Dumnezeu?!

Acesta este un fragment din prima parte a unei emisuni de radio, în direct. Tema acesteia a fost Câtă nevoie avem de Dumnezeu?! Această primă parte...

Better Than A Hallelujah

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0B4nHUdQ0H4&fs=1 God loves a lulluby In a mother's tears at night Better than a Hallelujah sometimes God love the drunkard's cry The soldier's plea not to let him die Better...

Rouă de cer

Pe suflet mi se-aşterne rouă de cer! Mitruţ Ştiopu

Wintley Phipps – Amazing Grace

Wintley Phipps shares the origin of the time-honored hymn "Amazing Grace" and leads a stadium full of men in singing the song at Promise...

Lianna Klassen – Celtic Blessing

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLMbdOcRcj8 You are the peace of all things calm, You are the place to hide from harm. You are the light that shines in dark, You are the...